Ceritanya bermula mcm ni....
Aku suka makan. Aku akan cuba tmpt mkn yg baru...utk merasa keenakan makanan di kedai itu. Well...eating is part of me...hahahah.
Nak dijadikan cerita, aku dpt tau tmpt makan baru. Kat area seksyen 3, kedai mamak Kh******...(aku xtau nak bgtau nama kedai tu ke x..nak tau..bg la email)..
Roti canai dia sdp giler...tu blom rasa kuah kari ikan dia lagi....mantap beb. Dah lebih sepuluh kali jgk la aku pi mkn kat sana. Menu aku - Roti canai kosong banjir, kuah kari ikan & teh o ais limau.
Tp service dia slow gile haram...tu mmg aku menyampah sgt...tp dah sedap kan..layan jer aa....lama pon laa lah...
Selepas lama aku aku xmkn sana, member aku dtg kat aku dan telah bercerita sesuatu kat aku yg akan membuatkan korg dan termasuk aku rasa nak muntah darah!
Ini cerita member aku....
Masa tu aku order roti canai kosong dua..bungkus. Jadi aku tggu laaa dia buatkan yg baru. Nmpk laa si penebar roti canai tu tebar roti guna tgn nya.
Bila roti aku dah siap, dia pun bwk la kat aku. Aku pon beratur la nak byr kat kaunter. Masa tgh beratur nak byr, aku nmpk yg penebar roti td dok bersembang ngn tokei kat kaunter..
Bila turn aku nak byr..aku ternampak sesuatu yg meggelikan tekak aku.
Aku nmpk tgn penebar roti tu penuh dgn kutil or ketuat and seumpama dgn nya... Nak termuntah dibuat nya bila tgk....
Aku yg dgr ni pon dah berair mata tahan nak tmuntah...sial laaaa...itu LAST aku g kedai mkn tuh....dammmnnn!!
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
For ladies: A guide to boy's talk (match.com on yahoo!)
What he says: “We should hang out some time.”
What he means: “I don’t want to flat-out ask you on a date and risk rejection, so first I’m going to gauge your interest.”
Why he says it: “This is the safest way to go,” says Ron Karmel. “If she says ‘yeah’ and gives you her number, you know you’re in, but if she just says ‘yeah’ and does nothing — you know it’s a no-go.” And with the male ego the way it is, this is the preferred way for him to find out. Says Haltzman, “It hurts to be rejected, so asking a woman out this way gives her a chance to pull away without the guy being embarrassingly turned down.”
What he says: “I really like your shoes.”
What he means: “I really like you.”
Why he says it: Granted, he could genuinely like your shoes. But if he says this during the early stages of dating, it also likely means he’s physically attracted to you — but doesn’t want to come right out and say it and seem like a dog. Ty Marciniak claims that this is one of the first things he says when he’s into a girl. “It boosts her confidence, but it also shows her I’m fashionable and sweet,” he says. “She’ll notice that I didn’t come right out and compliment her legs or something.” Which is, of course, what he really was complimenting in the first place. Get it?
What he says: “Maybe we should take some time off from each other — you know, take a break.”
What he means: “Maybe I’m better off keeping my options open.”
Why he says it: Seems harsh, but it’s common: “This kind of statement is driven by the man’s fear of hurting the woman or by wanting to have it both ways — having her without committing,” explains Alon Gratch, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist and author of If Men Could Talk. Problem is, women often take “the break” at face value. Trust me, if a guy is crazy about you, he’ll want to spend as much time with you as possible, period.
What he says: “I am listening!”
What he means: “I’m listening, but I really don’t want to get into a long, emotional discussion right now.”
Why he says it: When a guy zones out, women generally interpret that to mean he’s shut her off. More likely he’s just overwhelmed. “Men process verbal information better when it’s direct and to the point,” says Haltzman. Scott Borchert agrees. “When I say this, it usually means I just wish she’d get to the point sooner,” he says. One way around this is to ask him for his advice — guys love to fix problems — or to make sure he’s primed for a marathon talk session. So rather than launching right in, say, “This story’s kind of involved — can you listen now or should we talk later?”
What he says: “You’re just too good for me.”
What he means: “I need out of this relationship.”
Why he says it: “I’ve said that many times, but not once have I meant it,” admits Ron. “What I meant was I needed an out in the relationship, but I wanted to make her feel good about it.” Another popular alternative to this is the, “You deserve someone better than me” line. So why can’t guys just come out and tell you the truth? Unless you’re new to the planet Earth, you may have noticed men aren’t big on having talks — particularly breakup talks. In fact, they’ll say anything to avoid them, such as buttering you up so you don’t chew them out. “Men don’t go to places they’re afraid of,” says Gratch. “We don’t like to go where we might have to open up about feelings.” Did he just say feelings? Blech!
What he says: “I think I’m falling in love with you.”
What he means: “I am this close to saying the L-word, but I can’t bring myself to say it just yet and when I do say it, I want to be sure you’ll say it back.”
Why he says it: Ron calls this an “in-between line” — it’s a warm-up act to “I love you,” and it tests the waters to see if she’s feeling the same way. For women, talking about your emotions and exposing your vulnerabilities is a way to bond with another person, “but men don’t view exposing your vulnerabilities as a positive,” says Haltzman. “They don’t want to appear weak.” That’s why words like “thinking” and “falling” come in very handy — they give him an out. But they also allow him to express something meaningful in a way only he understands. Hopefully, now you will, too.
p/s:- Post sblom ni utk lelaki, yg ni utk pompuan plak...mcm2 laaa...hahahaha enjoy...a boy will always be a boy...cewaahhh
For guys: A guide to girl talk (match.com on yahoo!)
What she says: “You’re really sweet, but I have a boyfriend.”
What she means: “You’re really sweet, but I definitely don’t want to date you.”
Why she says it: It’s a classic weekend night scene, somewhere in public. You see her sitting by herself and figure it’s as good a time as any to make a move. And it’s all going so well — she’s smiling, she’s answering your questions — until she drops the bomb that she has a boyfriend. Now, she may be telling the truth. But more likely this “boyfriend” is merely a ploy to get you to back off fast. “I use that line all the time; it really works without hurting a guy’s feelings too much,” says Claire McKimmie. “It shows immediately that there’s nothing more to say.”
What she says: “Why don’t I take your number and I’ll call you?”
What she means: “There’s no way I’m giving you my number, so why don’t I take yours?”
Why she says it: Even in this day and age, most women like to be pursued, so if we really like you, we’ll happily hand over our digits and wait for you to call. Pretty much the only time we’ll ask for your number is — sorry — when we want to keep the ball in our court and, well, never see you again. Other not-so-great responses: “Why don’t you email me instead,” “You can get my number through our mutual friend-of-a-friend-of-a-friend Marcy” or “I’m listed.” Trust us, if she likes you, she’ll make it easy for you to call.
What she says: “Oh, sorry, I already have weekend plans.”
What she means: “I don’t necessarily have weekend plans, but you’re calling so last-minute I’d feel like a loser if I admitted I was free and took you up on your offer.”
Why she says it: As much as we all say that The Rules is an outdated tome that brews trouble between the genders, there are still some things we can’t let go of. And one of them is that we don’t want to accept plans with you last-minute, because we don’t want you to think we’re that easy to catch. “If a guy waits until Friday to ask me out on Saturday, I’ll probably say no,” says Claire Arnaud. “He has to work for it. And if he doesn’t have the patience to call back next week, too bad, that’s his loss.”
What she says: “This feels good, but we really shouldn’t.”
What she means: “I want you, bad, but don’t want to get burned.”
Why she says it: The night is winding down, and it’s time to decide whether she should hold ‘em, fold ‘em, or soldier on into the morning light with you. So if your date isn’t telling you a flat-out “No,” “I don’t want to,” or “I don’t like you that way,” chances are she really does like you — and want you — that way. She’d just rather wait a few weeks or months until she knows you’re not a love-’em-and-leave-’em type. “It’s possible she’s been in the position before of becoming intimate with a man and wanting to hear from him and then not hearing from him — and she doesn’t want to make that mistake again,” says Wolf. So if you’re a guy who really does want the relationship to go further (be honest now), it’s worth telling her so to see if she’ll change her mind.
What she says: “So, what have you been up to?”
What she means: “Why haven’t you called me? Are you seeing someone else?”
Why she says it: If we haven’t talked to you in a few weeks and then you suddenly start calling again, all we want to know is, What the heck took you so long? But because we want you to think we’re laid-back “Hey, whatever” women, all we dare squeeze out is a general inquiry. “I don’t want him to know I care,” says Emilie Giroud Capet. Our biggest fear? That you’ve been calling other women instead of us. Whether that’s the case or not, you’re best off filling in your missing weeks with very unromantic things. “I’m hoping he’ll tell me he’s been working really hard,” says Emilie, “or better, that he’s been really sick.”
What she says: “If you want to have a guy’s night, go ahead, fine.”
What she means: “I really, really don’t want you to go. And if you do, I’m going to be upset.”
Why she says it: It seemed innocuous enough; you asked her if she’d mind rescheduling your romantic night in so you could go out with the guys. She’s given you the green light. So what’s the red flag in that statement? The word “fine.” See, when a woman says something is fine, it’s decidedly not. “A woman will say it’s fine for him to go without her because she doesn’t want to get in a fight about it, even though deep down, she doesn’t want him to go without her,” says Wolf. Another phrase women often use to clue you into their displeasure: “If you like.” As in, “Sure, you can go out with the guys tonight, if you like.” That’s a pretty clear sign that while you may like it, she sure won’t. Either way, feel free to play dumb and go out with your buddies — just be ready to accept the consequences when you return.
What she says: “So, tell me about Diane.”
What she means: “Should I be threatened by Diane?”
Why she says it: When a man brings up another female’s name in the midst of a story, a woman’s internal panic button is pressed — she fears that you’re talking about her because you’re secretly attracted to her. So until you make it clear you wouldn’t touch Diane with a ten-foot pole, our insecurities will lead us to assume she’s a wasp-waisted blonde who laughs at your jokes — and you’d love to be her boyfriend. So if Diane is attractive and available, please don’t say, “She’s really cool.” Instead, try, “Diane’s just someone I work with. Wow, she can be annoying sometimes. Some guys at the office are drawn to her but I don’t get it; she’s not all that.”
What she says: “I love the way you smell.”
What she means: “I love you, but I don’t dare tell you I love you before you tell me you love me.”
Why she says it: “I just told the guy I’ve been dating for three weeks that I loved the way he smelled,” says Lili De Monseignat, “but it’s more him that I love than his smell.” Then why hold back? Because women know that telling a guy we love him before he tells us could be too much for him to handle. “It’s too soon to tell him I love him, because he’ll freak out and run away!” says Lili. But if you want to be loved, perk your ears up for the word itself. “I love your dog,” “I love your apartment,” “I love the way you dress,” and “I love that you love Indian food” are all signs that something big is bubbling underneath that little heart of hers. In other words, gentlemen, please be gentle.
p/s:- Ye aku copy and paste...hhahaha..anyway, this article is very useful for those who want to be in a relationship with the ladies :)
Sunday, April 17, 2011
The World’s Friendliest Countries (yahoo.com/news & Forbes.com)
1. Canada
Expats based here typically integrate well within local society, according to the HSCB survey, with 45% claiming they go out with local friends as much as fellow expats--the highest score of all 25 countries.
2. Bermuda
Those who have relocated to Britain's oldest colony (and beach paradise) report relative ease with local language and cultures.
3. South Africa
A culturally diverse nation, this host country proved to be well equipped for welcoming all sorts of foreigners.
4. The U.S.
The results of the survey suggest that ease of learning the local language and adapting to the local culture are areas in which the U.S. fares well in as an expat destination--despite low scores in organizing finances and health care.
5. Australia
One of the main advantages of becoming an expat Down Under, according to the survey, is the ease of setting up in the country.
6. Spain
For the overall integration categories, Spain scored the highest--especially when it came to local friends, shopping, food, culture and language--suggesting that once expats in Spain settle in, they feel completely involved in their communities.
7. France
This country got high scores on integration, with expats especially enjoying the local food and culture, making it one of the most friendly, culturally rich and inclusive locations.
8. U.K.
Though it ranked poorly in terms of quality of life (with issues like crowded urban transportation systems dragging it down), the U.K. does well on ease of integration and of befriending locals.
9. Malaysia
Expats found it relatively simple to integrate themselves into this cosmopolitan locale, a blend of Malay, Chinese and Indian cultures.
10. Germany
Despite difficulty making friends and learning the language, expats here reported it was a relatively easy place for integrating, with 46% saying they enjoyed the local entertainment and adapted well to the food.
p/s:- WOOOOOWW!! Malaysia in the top ten dude!!
Ni pengalaman aku, kat tmpt aku belajar:-
Tgh aku beratur beli makanan, ada la sorg melayu kita nih..dok pilih2 kuih kat atas meja tuh. Aku mcm biasa, beli nasi laaa kan...breakfast aku mane layan kuih-muih nih...tak kenyang kot...
Dlm aku dok beratur n terdengar perut aku main lagu coldplay, mamat yg pilih kuih bagai td trus cut queue dpn aku....what the f***!!! Aiiiiiieee....aku btol lah... Aku rilek jer... cover muke marah aku. Aku mana suke marah2, nnt xensem la muka aku. Aku perhatikan kan la dia dri belakang. Nak sound kang, takut aku xsempat mkn nasi aku, penumbuk plak aku mkn....
Haishhhh...ni laaa dia org kita. Xbleh nak beratur dan bersabar sikit. Mcm laaa org lain xkebulur kan..nyampah siot dgn org mcm nih. Ape iktibar yg kita dpt? Masyarakat kita nih ske jalan pintas, xske bersusah n nak mudah jer...masyarakat kita xpenah pikir org lain...hanya dia jer nak senang asalkan dia dpt ape yg dia nak. Itulah masyarakat kita.
Sambung balik cite, lps mamat tu byr makanan dia, turn aku plak bayar. Dah dapat baki 20sen aku, aku pi la duduk kat meje open air...jam baru menunjuk kan pkul 8.30pg. Baru nak siap nasi goreng, aku nmpk staff2 yg bekerja kat tmpt aku belajar tu nak breakfast jgk. Bkn ke masuk keje pkol 8.30? Dan lagi satu, knp diorg xbreakfast dlu td?
Aku pon mls nak lyn sgt ape yg diorg sembang kan...aku lyan nasi goreng aku yg menggunung. Layaaannn...
Tgh2 dok layan, aku tgk jam dah pkol 9.10 minit, dan staff yg breakfast td masih lg makan n bersembang "menyelesaikan masalah dunia"... Aku ada kelas pkol 10.30...jd aku tggu laa bila diorg nak blah kan.. pkol 9.30pg diorg masih lg kat meja mkn!! Last2 aku blah terus, dan xtau smpai pkul brapa laa diorg lepak kat cafe..
Ape iktibar kt dpt? Ni le org kata, kalo dah gomen tu mmg gomen le jgk!! Produktiviti kurang. Mulut bau longkang sembang masalah dunia. Aku mls nak sound. Kang kene cop kuang aja n xhormat org tua.. Bila aku pikir balik, ni laaa masyarakt dlm sektor awam. Korg sendiri bleh fikirkan...
Last but not least, masyarakat tetap masyarakat.... *kapish*
p/s:- Aku smbang kencang...myb suatu hari nnt aku pon akan jd mcm tu jgk...adooooyyyy laaaa
Tgh aku beratur beli makanan, ada la sorg melayu kita nih..dok pilih2 kuih kat atas meja tuh. Aku mcm biasa, beli nasi laaa kan...breakfast aku mane layan kuih-muih nih...tak kenyang kot...
Dlm aku dok beratur n terdengar perut aku main lagu coldplay, mamat yg pilih kuih bagai td trus cut queue dpn aku....what the f***!!! Aiiiiiieee....aku btol lah... Aku rilek jer... cover muke marah aku. Aku mana suke marah2, nnt xensem la muka aku. Aku perhatikan kan la dia dri belakang. Nak sound kang, takut aku xsempat mkn nasi aku, penumbuk plak aku mkn....
Haishhhh...ni laaa dia org kita. Xbleh nak beratur dan bersabar sikit. Mcm laaa org lain xkebulur kan..nyampah siot dgn org mcm nih. Ape iktibar yg kita dpt? Masyarakat kita nih ske jalan pintas, xske bersusah n nak mudah jer...masyarakat kita xpenah pikir org lain...hanya dia jer nak senang asalkan dia dpt ape yg dia nak. Itulah masyarakat kita.
Sambung balik cite, lps mamat tu byr makanan dia, turn aku plak bayar. Dah dapat baki 20sen aku, aku pi la duduk kat meje open air...jam baru menunjuk kan pkul 8.30pg. Baru nak siap nasi goreng, aku nmpk staff2 yg bekerja kat tmpt aku belajar tu nak breakfast jgk. Bkn ke masuk keje pkol 8.30? Dan lagi satu, knp diorg xbreakfast dlu td?
Aku pon mls nak lyn sgt ape yg diorg sembang kan...aku lyan nasi goreng aku yg menggunung. Layaaannn...
Tgh2 dok layan, aku tgk jam dah pkol 9.10 minit, dan staff yg breakfast td masih lg makan n bersembang "menyelesaikan masalah dunia"... Aku ada kelas pkol 10.30...jd aku tggu laa bila diorg nak blah kan.. pkol 9.30pg diorg masih lg kat meja mkn!! Last2 aku blah terus, dan xtau smpai pkul brapa laa diorg lepak kat cafe..
Ape iktibar kt dpt? Ni le org kata, kalo dah gomen tu mmg gomen le jgk!! Produktiviti kurang. Mulut bau longkang sembang masalah dunia. Aku mls nak sound. Kang kene cop kuang aja n xhormat org tua.. Bila aku pikir balik, ni laaa masyarakt dlm sektor awam. Korg sendiri bleh fikirkan...
Last but not least, masyarakat tetap masyarakat.... *kapish*
p/s:- Aku smbang kencang...myb suatu hari nnt aku pon akan jd mcm tu jgk...adooooyyyy laaaa
Penghabisan & Pekerjaan
Nak cerita macam sedih plak kan...aku pendekkan cerita, aku dah nak habis belajar dah. Aku bakal ke alam pekerjaan. Kalau aku lulus semua final paper aku laaa...cissss
Aku rasa sedih sbb tak lama lagi aku dah takder lepak2 dgn budak2 kelas aku. Walaupun aku baru kenal budak2 kelas aku selama 2 tahun, tapi ikatan persahabatan yang wujud membuatkan aku terharu mendapat kawan yang macam diorang... style :)
Aku malas nak sedih2 kat blog aku yg karut lagi buang masa nih...tp tu laa feeling aku skang nih.. Ke aku jer emotional lebih. Luar nampak ganas, dlm ada taman..bajet adnan sempit...jgn samakan filem dgn realiti kehidupan yer...kedua2 nya adalah berbeza.
Yang aku takut, aku perlu bekerja pulak lps nih. Aku plan nak rehat n bercuti. Aku nak g kat abg aku kat Scotland tuh...dah lama sgt aku duduk kat Malaysia nih...(poyo x aku) ....kalo tak keje, org akan mengata kita... Kalo keje pon orang akan mengata kita nih...senang cite manusia ni penuh dgn hasad dengki kesumat...
Yang kita pulak, buat something utk sedapkan hati org lain. Apa pun kita buat, semua nya sbb nak sedap kan mata masyarakat. Masyarakat tetap masyarakat. Masyarakat kita nih kuat dengki. Aku kalo xkeje, mulalah mulut2 bau longkang mengata psl aku.
Ape aku merepek nih....
Last - aku xperlu nak ikut kehendak masyarakat!
p/s- semabang kemas, online 24jam...satu keje pon xsiap...damn
Aku rasa sedih sbb tak lama lagi aku dah takder lepak2 dgn budak2 kelas aku. Walaupun aku baru kenal budak2 kelas aku selama 2 tahun, tapi ikatan persahabatan yang wujud membuatkan aku terharu mendapat kawan yang macam diorang... style :)
Aku malas nak sedih2 kat blog aku yg karut lagi buang masa nih...tp tu laa feeling aku skang nih.. Ke aku jer emotional lebih. Luar nampak ganas, dlm ada taman..bajet adnan sempit...jgn samakan filem dgn realiti kehidupan yer...kedua2 nya adalah berbeza.
Yang aku takut, aku perlu bekerja pulak lps nih. Aku plan nak rehat n bercuti. Aku nak g kat abg aku kat Scotland tuh...dah lama sgt aku duduk kat Malaysia nih...(poyo x aku) ....kalo tak keje, org akan mengata kita... Kalo keje pon orang akan mengata kita nih...senang cite manusia ni penuh dgn hasad dengki kesumat...
Yang kita pulak, buat something utk sedapkan hati org lain. Apa pun kita buat, semua nya sbb nak sedap kan mata masyarakat. Masyarakat tetap masyarakat. Masyarakat kita nih kuat dengki. Aku kalo xkeje, mulalah mulut2 bau longkang mengata psl aku.
Ape aku merepek nih....
Last - aku xperlu nak ikut kehendak masyarakat!
p/s- semabang kemas, online 24jam...satu keje pon xsiap...damn
Monday, April 4, 2011
Typical Malaysian (Episode 2)
Hallooooooo :)
Okey...sebelum ni aku pernah post perangai orang kat Malaysia ni... Well ni sambungannya..lets have a look shall we :)
Bercakap dengan handphone
Woooww...kuatnya bercakap... Pekak ke ape nih.. Aiiiiieee...kalo sound kang kene penumbuk pulak kan.. Bila diam terasa pedih hulu hati kan??
Itulah situasinya bila dengar orang ckap kuat kat handphone. Kalau cakap slow2 pon org tuh boleh dengar ape. Nak kata handphone mahal, tak juga...buruk jer rupenya. Nak kata branded, handphone budak sekolah lg branded kot. Tapi pasal apa nak ckp kuat2??? Tak boleh ker sound bercakap tu kasi turun sket...
Well..situasi ni pernah pon berlaku kat aku...dlm lif, dlm bus, dlm comuter, dekat kedai makan...etc. Dia punya sembang mcm dpt projek 15billion oowwww...sabo jer lah.. Orang mcm ni kalo nak kene kan senang jer...korg pergi seblah mamat tu, ckap mcm ni:-
"Bro, baru pakai hp ehh?" *kapish*
Bukan nak halang korg lepak. Aku pon lepak gak laaaa...minum kat mamak ngn member or ngn ehem ehem..kaaannn!
Cuma aku tak bleh tahan tgk org yg melepak yg dok mencangkung dpn pintu mall...yg dok lepak kat tangga entrance ke mall... Mula igt mat endon ke ape kan...tp rupa2 nya MELAYU kita daaa...bdk hingusan yg bajet diorg dah besa sgt. Padahal duit mak bapak dok bg lg.
Tak perlu laaa nak tayang muka kat dpn pintu masuk mall tuh...rimas laa aku tgk. Kang aku pggil DBKL sruh sapu kang, tau plak nak angin....tau plak nak emo...tau plak nak tnjuk hero dpn awek... Sekali aku sebat belakang kepala korg kang...ade yg msuk Tg. Rambutan kangggg!
Nak lepak pun, cri la port or tmpt yg glamer sket. Starbuck ke...Big apple ker...Pizza hut ker...kalo xder duit pon, g la lepak kat mamak nun, order ais kosong..kalo ais kosong pon xdpt order...aaaa pi duk umah, xpyh nak kuar. Dasar budak hingusan.
Okey...bab fesyen nih, aku boleh trima org pki snow cap or sweater.. Tapi aku mmg xbleh trima org yg nak ikut fesyen korea nun... Buruk benor rupanya!! Dah mcm org buang tebiat dah aku tgk.. Ada tuuu, pki skirt siap...atas lutut plak tuh.. Tgk kaki skali kudis siot!!! Geli koooootttt...damn!!!! hahaha
Nak fesyen boleh...xder masalah... Just biar kene laa dgn keadaan nya...jgn dok ikut org sana sgt. Tu budaya diorg..ala style korea byk lg yg best...xpki skirt pon cun ape.. aiiiieeeee...
p/s:- perghhh...byk siot perangai org2 Malaysia yg pelik2...kalo nak citer sume mmg xkn abis.. tgk laa, kalo aku rajin, aku kupas lg....cewahhhhh... *Kapish*
Okey...sebelum ni aku pernah post perangai orang kat Malaysia ni... Well ni sambungannya..lets have a look shall we :)
Bercakap dengan handphone
Woooww...kuatnya bercakap... Pekak ke ape nih.. Aiiiiieee...kalo sound kang kene penumbuk pulak kan.. Bila diam terasa pedih hulu hati kan??
Itulah situasinya bila dengar orang ckap kuat kat handphone. Kalau cakap slow2 pon org tuh boleh dengar ape. Nak kata handphone mahal, tak juga...buruk jer rupenya. Nak kata branded, handphone budak sekolah lg branded kot. Tapi pasal apa nak ckp kuat2??? Tak boleh ker sound bercakap tu kasi turun sket...
Well..situasi ni pernah pon berlaku kat aku...dlm lif, dlm bus, dlm comuter, dekat kedai makan...etc. Dia punya sembang mcm dpt projek 15billion oowwww...sabo jer lah.. Orang mcm ni kalo nak kene kan senang jer...korg pergi seblah mamat tu, ckap mcm ni:-
"Bro, baru pakai hp ehh?" *kapish*
Bukan nak halang korg lepak. Aku pon lepak gak laaaa...minum kat mamak ngn member or ngn ehem ehem..kaaannn!
Cuma aku tak bleh tahan tgk org yg melepak yg dok mencangkung dpn pintu mall...yg dok lepak kat tangga entrance ke mall... Mula igt mat endon ke ape kan...tp rupa2 nya MELAYU kita daaa...bdk hingusan yg bajet diorg dah besa sgt. Padahal duit mak bapak dok bg lg.
Tak perlu laaa nak tayang muka kat dpn pintu masuk mall tuh...rimas laa aku tgk. Kang aku pggil DBKL sruh sapu kang, tau plak nak angin....tau plak nak emo...tau plak nak tnjuk hero dpn awek... Sekali aku sebat belakang kepala korg kang...ade yg msuk Tg. Rambutan kangggg!
Nak lepak pun, cri la port or tmpt yg glamer sket. Starbuck ke...Big apple ker...Pizza hut ker...kalo xder duit pon, g la lepak kat mamak nun, order ais kosong..kalo ais kosong pon xdpt order...aaaa pi duk umah, xpyh nak kuar. Dasar budak hingusan.
Okey...bab fesyen nih, aku boleh trima org pki snow cap or sweater.. Tapi aku mmg xbleh trima org yg nak ikut fesyen korea nun... Buruk benor rupanya!! Dah mcm org buang tebiat dah aku tgk.. Ada tuuu, pki skirt siap...atas lutut plak tuh.. Tgk kaki skali kudis siot!!! Geli koooootttt...damn!!!! hahaha
Nak fesyen boleh...xder masalah... Just biar kene laa dgn keadaan nya...jgn dok ikut org sana sgt. Tu budaya diorg..ala style korea byk lg yg best...xpki skirt pon cun ape.. aiiiieeeee...
p/s:- perghhh...byk siot perangai org2 Malaysia yg pelik2...kalo nak citer sume mmg xkn abis.. tgk laa, kalo aku rajin, aku kupas lg....cewahhhhh... *Kapish*
The Legendary Alcatraz Escape Attempt
June 11, 1962 (based on true story)
Frank Morris, John Anglin, Clarence Anglin may have successfully carried out one of the most intricate escapes ever devised on June 11, 1962. Behind the prisoners' cells in Cell Block B (where the escapees were interned) was an unguarded 3-foot (0.91 m) wide utility corridor. The prisoners chiseled away the moisture-damaged concrete from around an air vent leading to this corridor, using tools such as a metal spoon soldered with silver from a dime and an electric drill improvised from a stolen vacuum cleaner motor. The noise was disguised by accordions played during music hour, and their progress was concealed by false walls which, in the dark recesses of the cells, fooled the guards.
The escape route then led up through a fan vent; the fan and motor had been removed and replaced with a steel grille, leaving a shaft large enough for a man to climb through. Stealing a carborundum cord from the prison workshop, the prisoners had removed the rivets from the grille and substituted dummy rivets made of soap. The escapees also stole several raincoats to use as a raft for the trip to the mainland. Leaving papier-mâché dummies in their cells, they escaped. The prisoners are estimated to have entered San Francisco Bay at 9:30 p.m.
The official investigation by the FBI was aided by another prisoner, Allen West, who also was part of the escapees' group but was left behind. West's false wall kept slipping, so he held it in place with cement, which set. When the Anglin brothers (John & Clarence) accelerated the schedule, West desperately chipped away at the wall; but by the time he did his companions were gone. Articles belonging to the prisoners (including plywood paddles and parts of the raincoat raft) were found floating in the bay and the official report on the escape says the prisoners drowned while trying to reach the mainland in the cold waters of the bay. but there were sightings of the three men over the Years, and Friends and family of the Anglins claimed to have been having postcards written in the Brothers handwriting.
Certain aspects of the escape proved it might have been successful as it was recreated on hit discovery TV show Mythbusters
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